Home » Kevin Mitnick is dead, but his teachings live on
Kevin Mitnick

Kevin David Mitnick, the father of social engineering in cybersecurity, and author of The Art of Deception, died on July 16, 2023.

One of the saddest news today is the death of Kevin David Mitnick, known as Kevin Mitnick. July 16 marked the end of Mitnik’s life, but his teachings and writings will live on.
During his life, Mitnik gave an important lesson to cybersecurity experts and researchers, and that was that the human mind is more important than any tool, it can draw and implement the way of penetration and the way to counter the penetration.

Hacking in the 1990s

In the 1990s, the category of hacking was less prominent in the world, and without a doubt, the people who were active in the field of cyber security and hacking at that time can be considered as the forerunners of today’s cybersecurity world.
People who were sometimes arrested by the police to prove and show their capabilities in the field of cybersecurity, hacking and intrusion for the crime of disrupting the cyber system and network of companies or organizations.

Kevin Mitnick was one of those people who was arrested and jailed by the police in the 1990s for hacking a large number of people’s user accounts.

Perhaps one of the reasons for Mitnik’s fame was the news of his arrest by the police. But this was not just a show.

After his release, Mitnick emerged as one of the top cybersecurity consultants in the world.

Human mind, the best tool for hacking and penetration

Kevin Mitnick, as he relies on the power of the mind and taking advantage of human vulnerabilities for his intrusions, also mentions it in his book.
He believed that any organization or group may be secure in terms of cyber structure, but human errors always make it vulnerable. Mitnik mentioned this issue in all his satires, articles and books.

Kevin Mitnick passed away today, July 16, but his theory and teachings will live on in the cyber world.

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