Home » Identifying Anonymous Hackers
Anonymous Hackers

Undoubtedly, you have heard many times in different media about the hacking of sites and sensitive information by a group of anonymous hackers. This time we are going to identify these people.

With the emergence of social networks and internet forums, new protests
were formed under the name of hacktivism,
which together with this term, groups and individuals have been active in the cyberspace
as hacktivists in the form of internet protests. One of these groups that have high
capabilities in hacking and infiltrating and organizing cyber attacks
is a group known as anonymous hackers.

Anonymous Hackers

The first activities of this team started in 2003 and from 4chan forums and after
some time they began to widely and officially start hacktivist activities in the form of
hacking websites, hacking servers, disclosing organizational information and national documents of countries. And different companies have done.
It is interesting that this group does not have any base or media other than
the YouTube channel and their main announcements are published in this way.

But the media space has caused a number of fake accounts in various social networks,
especially Twitter, to become a place for anonymous hackers to abuse their identities.

People who create user accounts with the names of this team with the intention of attracting followers, and sometimes even governments use this method to collect information.

One of the ways to identify anonymous hackers is:
If a person or an account on any social network claims that he is a member of an anonymous hacker group, immediately report and block that account. Because he is a fraud.

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